Sunday, January 30, 2011

Pop Quiz

What single food has a serving size of 3 cups and is 20 calories, 0 fat, 1 net carb, and 2 grams of protein??? Oh and 110% daily value of vitamin A, 40% vitamin C, 15% iron and 8% calcium? My bedtime snack that's what!


  1. hmmmm, I was going to say carrot b/c of the vitamin A but it is too high in sugar. Then I thought of humus (recipe on here would be good btw) but it has more protein than that...doesn't it? hmmmm...I'm stumped. (I even tried cheating and looking on google but got zilch!)

  2. Deanna, your comment says you wrote that at 3:39 A.M. Is that right????? are W.R.O.N.G. The answer is..........spinach!

  3. Nooooooo! I was sound asleep! You must not have changed the time zone when you set up your blog. Look under the posting tab...I think! It is there someplace! :)

  4. I was W.R.O.N.G. again.... Time zone is under settings (dashboard) and then formatting. You'rrrre welcome! :)

  5. I have never thought of spinach as a bedtime snack. Did you dream in shades of green? :)
